Friday, July 15, 2011

Another thing I'm obsessed with...

I love Ruben Toledo. Those Nordstrom ads began catching my eye years ago, and I made it my mission to keep tabs on him. My best *free* fab find was the Ruben Toledo plate I received as a complimentary gift at a Nordstom store opening. I use it on my dresser as a catch-all for jewelry, keys, spare change- you get the idea. Since then (and a Style Dictionary and three Nina Garcia/Ruben books later), I have been randomly googling Ruben to see what he's been up to. Well, imagine my surprise when I recently came across his partnership with Penguin Books! He re-designed covers for some of my favorites- Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, and The Scarlet Letter to name a few. I don't know how I missed it since the partnership began in 2009, but I quickly felt my wave of disappointment fade when I realized there was an opportunity for savings involved! I was so excited to see that the entire set- 6 books all together- were on sale for $76!! CHECK IT OUT! They are paperback, and I am much more of a hardcover sort of girl, but I couldn't resist. I can't wait for them to arrive in the mail! My old, ratty high school copies are for reading- these are purely decor, ma chérie!

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