Sunday, July 17, 2011

Coffee table books... another of my many obsessions.

 I love coffee table books. Perhaps it stems from the fact that my father ran a coffee business. More likely it's the fact that they have beautiful pictures of the clothing and accessories, and the amazing places I've had the good fortune to visit. Some of my coffee table books are art pieces in themselves, so I've decided to share them. 
The two to the left are my absolute favorites. 

Taschen's Paris has beautiful photographs of the best hotels, restaurants, and shops in Paris. Incidentally, the purse-sized version, given to me by one of my very best friends before my most recent trip to my favorite city, came in handy with its easy to follow illustrated maps. I love to read through the massive book and remember walking along the rue Saint-Honoré (and shopping, too, of course). 

The Chanel book was given to me by a friend, and documents the exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art from 2005. I particularly love the cover, illustrated by none other than Karl Lagerfeld. It's been on my table ever since I received it, and is always a big topic of conversation.

The suit to the left is from 1986, but would easily fit in on Park Avenue today. The brooch to the right is from the 60's, but the shape and style would work as a pendant or on a cuff with any outfit I own... Oh, how I wish!

Flipping through Taschen's Paris makes me yearn for another trip to La Ville-Lumière and my cozy room at the Hotel Saint Vincent in Saint Germain des Prés (another find of the lovely Mrs. Martin and her blog, GOOP). And, as luck would have it, just as I finish this post the Sex and the City finale, aptly titled "An American Girl in Paris" is just beginning. A sign? I think yes. Which means I will continue to save my pennies and blog about shopping rather than actually spending, and will be saying Bounjour, Paris before I know it!

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