Friday, July 15, 2011

I seriously have a problem...

Today I was online shopping, as per usual, and came across these FANTASTIC yellow Kate Spade ballet flats. LOVE them!! I mean, really, have you ever seen a more perfect fall shoe? All I imagine is the perfect fall skirt (dress?), some super cute patterned tights, and these absolutely MUST HAVE fall flats. Everyone who knows me knows that I am a flat-aholic. I just can't get enough. Of course, I'm a girl so you know I love a good heel, but for work, dinner, movies, drinks, or just be-bopping about, there's nothing I like more than a fab flat. I am totally obsessed with them- perhaps by the time fall actually rolls around they'll be on sale? Here's hoping the goddess of fashion shines her shimmering gold favor on me!

These pretty awesome booties aren't too bad either. Slim jeans, a cute dress; the possibilities are endless. I really never jumped on the booty bandwagon, especially not with peep toes. I generally think they cut you off in a pretty unforgiving spot unless you're an eleven foot tall model. Still, these caught my eye when I was perusing the Bloomie's website. There's something about the nude color and patent/suede combo that just screams "sophisticated fall go-with-everything shoe". So, these are on the list as well. Ever since I received my first nylon Sam bag for Christmas in high school I've been hooked on Kate- leave it to her to get the one fall trend I didn't really like right on the money!

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